Monday 22 October 2012

Also speaking of Nait Newswatch here is the first episode my team did. I was the "live reporter" so I got to pick the lead story subject and write questions for the anchors to ask me.

I chose to do it on the website It's a great website that came out of the University of Alberta and I got to interview some pretty amazing people in the process of putting my story together. Which is essentially the reason I want to do this job in the first place.

So I hope you enjoy it. This week I got to anchor so I'll share that when it's up online.

So last Tuesday night right in the midst of all the Nait News Watch madness, I decided to take a break and went and saw this movie with my brother.

Now before I start my review I should mention this movie is based on a book. A book that appears to have a cult following. Some people I talked to had it as assigned reading in Jr High or High School. My school however preferred "The Outsiders" and the book that almost killed me "The Heart of Darkness" (That book is the definition of a hard read). Anyways I've never read the book, so I went in with no idea what to expect.

The movie is described as a "coming of age drama, that captures the dizzying heights and crushing lows of growing up."

The film centers around Charlie a young freshman entering High School after the suicide of his best friend over the summer. After some struggling he is taken under the wing of 2 seniors. The beautiful, free spirited Sam and the funny, flamboyant Patrick.

All the young actors did a tremendous job. And without revealing to much this film really covered some mature themes that I wasn't expecting to see in a "coming of age drama". There was mental illness, depression, sex, alcohol and homophobia. I really felt that the movie captured that time in a teenagers life very realistically. And you felt yourself really caring about the futures of these characters.

The movie was extremely well done in my opinion. I left the theater incredibly depressed however. It's not exactly a feel good movie, but that's not to say it's all doom and gloom.

Another thing I enjoyed is that the film was directed and the screenplay was written by the author Stephen Chbosky. So any fans of the book are sure to be satisfied with the movie adaptation.

All in all I would recommend "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" and keep an eye out for the three young actors Logan Lerman (Charlie), Ezra Miller (Patrick), and Emma Watson (Sam) (and Hermione for you Harry Potter fans). They're sure to be sticking around for awhile.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

OOOOOOH YES!! I can't wait for this movie!

1. I still remember the first time I watched Psycho. Film Studies class in grade 10, I was terrified but I loved it. And I have since made my way through the rest of his films. Like Birds for instance, crows haven't been the same for me since.

2. Anthony Hopkins?? Is that you??

3. Helen Mirren, I mean is she not the hottest old lady ever??